November 1 – December 3, 2021
First-Gen Spotlight
College of Sciences
Virtual Event:
Faculty, staff, and community members are encouraged to check out the College of Sciences First Gen Spotlight, located on the College of Sciences website ( Here, individuals can identify first-generation faculty, staff, and students within our college to understand the variety of ways our community has contributed to first-generation success.
November 8 – 12, 2021
Nursing First-Gen Video Tribute
School of Nursing
Virtual and In-person Event: Social Media and BHS School of Nursing
We will put out a call for our first-gen students, staff, faculty, alumni, and donors and build a special video to share online. We will also have internal celebrations in BHS, including a display case decked out in tributes, too.
First-Generation Staff Recognition Series
Student Diversity & Social Justice
Virtual & In-person Event: @unlvsdsj Instagram & Facebook Student Diversity and Social Justice office
We will be recognizing and highlighting the first-generation students within our Student Diversity and Social Justice office staff. Starting Nov. 8th members of our staff will be given a high light on our Instagram and Facebook page to recognize their accomplishments, hear some advice they have to share, and learn more about them as the trailblazers of their family!
First-Gen Proud at Online
Ed Online Ed
Virtual Event on Social Media and
Interviews with Online Ed staff who are/were first-gen students about successes, tips, obstacles, and encouragement. Videos will be posted on our social media accounts using UNLV’s hashtags.
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Student Success Instagram’s First-Generation Student Spotlight
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Student Success
Virtual Event:
The UNLV Student Success Instagram will highlight first-generation students at UNLV. Each day we will be posting a student and sharing a little bit about them and their experience being a first-generation student at UNLV.